
Thursday, February 27, 2014


Settle in, it will be a long one as I’ve gone way too long between updates again:)

I’m happy to say that we are getting settled in to a routine of therapy nights, a live in (soon-to-be) sister-in-law, and Packer football coming to an end for the season.

To start, Hannah is currently having therapy four nights a week as an intensive program to push her arms to the max of what we can make happen. She is very close to crawling, and if she could just strengthen her chest/arms/shoulders, we would be there. She is able to army crawl with assistance and can sit for a long time on her own. (Her crazy hair is starting to be a bit less crazy with more sitting.) We are also starting an aquatic therapy class in April, so long as they allow this lady to be in a swimsuit around other humans- I’ll be sure to warn everyone I’ll be stepping out in less than parka coverage:)

Eating has been going well. Hannah eats more calories a day than an average adult, but it seems to be working! We are up two pounds and hope to keep climbing. This princess is tall and already wearing 24 mo/2T clothing. It’s bittersweet to know how old she’s getting.

We ordered glasses for Hannah. She could not possibly be more cute in them. There's a chance that she will need to have eye surgery to correct a wandering left eye, but it's not something that we need to rush. We are also trying to avoid getting tubes, and are hoping that both ears drain enough to pass a hearing test. We head back to Mayo in April, but hopefully not for a long while after that! She is so happy. Really, truly happy. 

Eli is being three. He is stubborn, loud, and says some of the funniest things I’ve ever heard. Lately, he’s been making up words and definitions to go with them. He likes to play with Harley, kiss his sister, help me make cookies, cuddle with Amanda, facetime with Uncle Butt and Uncle Tyler, and just learned how to arm wrestle with his dad.

With Will traveling for work more lately, we have been very fortunate to have Amanda around to help with the kids. Between therapy and needing to get Eli, she’s been a huge help. We have also been thankful for Grandma Dee- she seriously saves my behind more than one person should…picking me up and driving me to school when my car battery was dead, filling in as a wonderful babysitter, and letting me watch her beautiful kids grow up.

Sundays are a bit quiet around here with no ‘Go Pack Go’ directed towards the TV, 
but we are enjoying church and lazy mornings with the kids on the weekends. Last weekend I was especially lucky to spend church with my Uncle Rex, Aunt Val, and Grandma in Manchester. LOVED hearing Val sing and praising God with family!

All around, we are hanging in there. Nights get a little crazy, but it’s worth every minute when somebody tells us how big Hannah is getting and how much stronger she looks. We are blessed beyond measure. 

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