
Friday, February 8, 2013


Surgery went well! Hannah's procedure lasted about two hours once she was taken back for sedation. There was no need to move or detach/reattach the G-tube, and the doctor only needed to make two small incisions. She woke up much easier this time after sedation than the last time, and was content when we were allowed into the recovery room. Before we were released to our room, the doctor gave Hannah a breathing treatment to help her throat from swelling due to the breathing tube placed during the procedure. It definitely helped her sound better than normal while recovering. 

We made it to our room about noon and had a quiet afternoon. Hannah was doing well until about 5:30 when she began to look and sound uncomfortable. She was just taking tylenol, but was given something stronger to help, though it wasn't as effective as hoped. It was probably the most rough night she's had throughout her stays here. Because of not wanting to overdose Hannah, we finally got pain meds straightened out around 5:30 this morning. 

It looks like we may be here an additional night as Hannah starts to be more comfortable. She also needs to have a bowel movement-the hope is that this will help with relieving some of her belly pain. Right now, Hannah is doped up and more calm. Her heart rate is lower and we are hoping that she continues to enjoy her medicine-induced happiness.

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